
The project is evolving!

In October of 2023, we deployed the first prototype of our RECYCLO module with our Catalan partners GrupFRN. This gives us an opportunity to share the initial results we have seen.

We have already successfully treated 100 m3 of effluent at the end of a washing cycle. The results are quite encouraging, with over 95% reduction in both COD and surfactants. So we've managed to exceed our initial expectations!

As we anticipated, our module is capable of removing different types of pollutants found in laundry effluent: endocrine disruptors such as DEHP are 100% removed, and we are also able to remove ibuprofen and caffeine.

The initial results of our prototype are encouraging and promising for the future of our project.

If your laundry is interested in the project and would like to carry out a pre-study, please do not hesitate to contact us: Treewater contact form
